Sunday, July 12, 2009

Demand Driven Development- A community Resilience Drive

Demand Driven Development -A Community Resilient Drive
At the outset we must express our heartfelt gratitude to those who have contributed a bit and extended helping hands, compassion, providing space for community initiatives & learning , criticize us even unsuccessful, guiding us for mid course correction that has helped a lot for our growth.
Certainly the Community, PRI members, Local & district administration, Senior Officials of State, SDTT and board of governors of UDYAMA are praise worthy for their backup and direct support. My friends and colleagues have worked hard in shaping and in reflecting the reality in ground with emotional attachment.
With this steady work we have challenged to put continuous effort to garner collective force in the few hinter lands of western, southern and northern Orissa. DEEPENING GRASSROOTS GOVERNANCE & CAPITALIZING MAINSTREAM RESOURCES LINKING LIVELIHOODS OF POOR AND ACCELERATING THE CITIZEN ACTION TOWARDS END WAER POVERTY & CLIMATE JUSTICE– both are the successful beginnings involving CSOs first in kind in Orissa.
Simultaneously UDYAMA has placed community resilient process and has initiated in Coastal and northern Orissa looking at magnitude of vulnerability. Consistent Sensitization and community action, implementation, facilitation and reflection have started altogether. This has become possible only because of wider partnership with varied stakeholders. UDYAMA believes together we can do wonder and break and bend the hard. Putting together each others weakness is the strength despite difference in thought and theme. Our relentless work has brought us more pride to become one of the participating partner Organizations of Global Network of Civil Societies for Disaster Risk Reduction, SPHERE-India, Ending Global Poverty ,Water, Sanitation and Climate Change, MDGs, UN Climate CAUCUS,NGO Gateway ,ProVentionWeb ,Development from Disasters Network - Signatories, and one of the enlisting member of UN ECOSOC, Corporate Disaster Resource Network(CDRN), National Alliance on Disaster Risk Reduction(NADRR);;
Network partners are undertaking Next Development Challenges
Network partners are undertaking Next Development Challenges

This is one step, more miles to go and face lots of impediments and hindrances. We do hope despite barriers we must carry very meaningful messages and position very evidence-based accomplishments for all sections that would link to fight against poverty and health hazards, mitigate disasters, and adapt to climate vulnerabilities and combat desertification.
Once again on behalf UDYAMA I bring each one’s attention to be one of co-travelers. We welcome your feedback, responses and your reactions. Please do post.
Please be a part of it
Yours Sincerely
Pradeep Mahapatra
Secretary cum Team leader